Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Love Starts At Home


In our fight to be accepted and respected in the world we need to start doing our parts as well. Far too many of the LBGT community takes serious offense when we are discrimated against in the world, when many of us do this to our own kind.

It is time to end the LBGT hate and discrimination first only with unity will we even be accepted as a valid people. This is a struggle that can not be won by a handful of people but as a community.

How can we possibly enact any change when many of our attitudes toward each other are so nasty. Gay hating gays, trannies hating trannie, trannies hating lesbians and trannies hating gays. This is a bad case of pots calling kettles black.

When so many people are being killed and beaten for who they are is it really so important who is prettier, who has the most designer labels, who slept with whom, who has the biggest body parts? The same people who will find issue with someone discriminating against them for their sexuality will in turn go to a club or so other place and bash another member of thier same community. Who are you to decide who is fit to be. We were are created in love by a greater being and the very fact of our births makes us valid humans. No one can sit here on this planet and decide who deserves to be.

So in our fight to get our acceptance and respect in the world remember that fight starts at home. First with you changing your attitude, then change your community and finally change your world.  It's quite hypocritical to fight for the rights of LBGT  communities if you spend the majority of your day tearing down your brothers and sisters.

There are many people in the world that I care not to be around but I can't decide that they don't have a right to exist. One scholar said those who constantly find fault in others suffer greatly from low self esteem.  It's easy to point out the fault in others then you won't have to deal with the shit in your own life.

Everthing you want to change in the world you need to do a self assessment first and make sure you are living up to those very same standards.  Love self first and it will be easier to love others.  If we wish to be seen as more than a bunch of crazed fanatics forcing our lifestyle upon people we need to start acting like people. 

Stop feeding fear with hate. Hate begets hate. Educate let them see that you too are a person. Most people's education of our community is from television, movies, talk shows and other forms of media that don't portray us in the best light.  You fight ignorance with intellegence.

This week I just want to encourage you to not be a Pot calling a Kettle black.  How can you want change when you yourself haven't changed.

Acceptance and Tolerance begins at home until you can love those like you, you will never get the world to accept and tolerate you.

I leave  you in love,

Chanel Winn

Posted via web from tssexychanel's posterous


Unknown said...

Very important blog, I like the style, but more important your passion for better laws to protect LGBT community for there is hate among those within as well as outside the community. Interesting perception and it's good to hear some serious thought about a tragedy that has been going on for a long time. You should be an activist..

ChanelTheGoddess said...

Very important blog, I like the style, but more important your passion for better laws to protect LGBT community for there is hate among those within as well as outside the community. Interesting perception and it's good to hear some serious thought about a tragedy that has been going on for a long time. You should be an activist..