Thursday, August 27, 2009

Chanel the Diamond (Please Retweet)

I always speak about living your life like a diamond cause as people we should be just like diamonds multi faceted. Far too often people are one dimensional when to be beautiful and brilliant in life just like the diamond we should have many sides to us to bring out the true value of ourselves.

It's no secret that I am in the adult entertainment industry I have it in big letters on everything I do. Also its no secret that I am transexual another thing I don't feel the need to hide. I am a proud individual. I don't let any one side of my life dictate or supercede any other parts. The whole of who I am as a person is part of my complete make up. I am more than my race, I am more than my gender and I am more than my career.

I made another post I define me. I truly live the words I speak. I have never lived by the limitations of the small imaginations of others. I believe that I was born in perfection a creation of god.

I never worked under different names cause I never felt I had anything to hide so I didn't see the point in it. I know many people that do work under different names and have separate myspace accounts and the such I just never wanted to be bothered with the double life. Here a lot more lately people seem to think of me in their onesided way of thinking and not really know just who it is they are talking too.

This is part of the reason for my making two separate twitter accounts my regular TSSexyChanel account and the TSDiabolique account. When I came to twitter it was to just be able to interact with my friends and just like my youtube channel things exploded. Now I am home all day and this confuses some people I run a business from home. I have been in the adult industry full time for sometime now and only enjoy the success and luxuries that I have by respecting my business and demanding that everyone else do the same.

Too much lately my personal life and my business life have become mingled and that's not how I operate.

Now about my twitter accounts or actually any social net working sites let me explain to you why I am around.

First to the ladies no one is on any site trying to have your man or compete with you. I come to the net to do me in spite of you. I tell people all the time I don't do the competition thing. I frankly feel I am so unique I am in a category all my own. The money I spent on hair make up and surgery is for my enjoyment. It Pleases ME to like what I see when I look in the mirror even if all of the internet says I am not attractive. Find that within yourself and experience the peace of happiness with self outside of the validation of someone else, then you will understand and know just what I feel.

To the men I have lots of male friends and I am not one of those trannies that goes about trying to turn men out. I frankly dont have the time or patience I prefer that the men that want me know what they want already cause we have to deal with the reality of the situation if we fuck you gonna make me cum that is not negotiable and  sucking your dick aint gonna make me cum. If I speak to you don't think just cause I am in porn or you have an attraction for me that we gonna get down, I am just cordial I don't feel the need to be a bitch just cause I dont see you like that dont get things twisted.

I like most of you am sitting at my job when I am on the net just kicking the breeze and bullshitting to make my work day go faster.

My TSSexyChanel account will be a more real sense of my life and if you are only interested in the XXX stuff or another industry person networking TSDiabolique is the page for you.

Don't try to friend me butter me up and all that shit to try to get free convo, pics cams, movies or sex. A bitch is 40 and I didn't get this old or this rich being no fool. Just cause I don't call you on your bullshit don't think I don't know whats going on. LOL

Everyone nurture all the sides of yourself the good and bad and indifferences. Find out who you really are and develop yourself to be Uniquely YOU

Take care pumpkins


Posted via email from tssexychanel's posterous

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