Friday, September 11, 2009

OOO I gotta start loving myself (Retweet plz)


Not to sound repetitive after watching the Tyra show yesterday it brought up a lot of feelings in me. So you know what I do best is use my words. I find it really sad that so many people in the world feel like shit and they want the world to join them. I will not be party to this folly. I encourage all of you today to be independent thinkers. You should never allow anyone's opinion of you to become your reality. Be you inspite of them if  you know that you are living your life and going about your way not harming another fuck what another person has to say about you, your life or your circumstance.

On the subject of looks you know how I always feel, love begins at home. It's always funny to me how people go about their day praising the beauty of others and don't even take the time to start your day by saying I love you to the most important person and that is self.

I am often accused of being conceited stuck up or arrogant. Any one that takes the time to really get to know me knows this could not be further from the truth. I will not cease to love myself and remind myself how much I love me just because it makes those that don't like themselves feel more comfy.

Remember today that you shouldn't give anyone in this world more than you give yourself first.

Take care and enjoy the weekend pumpkins


Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

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