Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Know who is in your life(retweet plz)

Today I will be talking about the people in our lives and their reasons for being. You all know of my spirituality and my open mind of thinking about all the people and situations that I am in. I am never one to sit back and believe that the world is happening around me and I have no control over what is going on in my life.

I like to take a more active role in my life as much as I believe in God I believe that I can have a direct relation to what happens in my life by my way of thinking or looking at every situation and person that is in it.

I am grateful for all of the people that come by my way not just those that love and adore me. I feel that I can get something from everyone I come into contact with some people are examples of what I want to be in life even more important are those that are examples of what I don't want to be. Sometimes when we are not living up to our best we can see it better in others than we can with ourselves. They are a mirror of something that we need to be changing in ourselves, that is why the very sight of them will annoy us so much we see too much of ourselves in them.

You know I don't believe in chance encounters or meetings I believe everything is directly and divinely ordered and its up to us to figure out who and why these people are that are in our lives and the purpose or lesson we should be getting from them.

So my encouragement for you today is to evaluate the people you come into contact with today see what the reason is for their being in your life at this time get the lesson to be learned and remember there is nothing as a truly unimportant person, everyone has something to offer in life if only as an example of what not to be or do in life.

Take care pumpkin


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Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

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