Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Breakout by Swing Out Sister  
Download now or listen on posterous
Swing Out Sister - Breakout.mp3 (3500 KB)

There are times when you are doing something and you just have to re evaluate situations and make new plans. Lately I have had to do this myself. So in continuation of what I have already started and proven time and time again.

I am speaking of business but this can too apply to a persons personal life. No one will ever have your best interest at heart as much as you do or should. I have always had a very hands on approach to all things concerning me and I encourage you to do the same thing.

Remember don't sit around waiting to be fed go out and find your own food.

That's all for today pumpkins short sweet and to the point.


Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)


Michael St. James said...

"Don't sit around waiting to be fed go out and find your own food." LOVE that! Cool blog!

Michael St. James said...

"Don't sit around waiting to be fed go out and find your own food." LOVE that! Cool blog!