Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I wanted to go more into the thoughts I was sharing in the video I made today. I spoke about changing your thoughts and terminology when speaking about people with AID/HIV.

I always hear people that consider themselves being supportive calling these people Victims. I don't think that any one dealing with this condition sees themselves as a victim. Although people become infected and impacted in many different ways and are at varying states of health there are no victims. Much like cancer its something that must be dealt with.

Victims have a defeatist attitude and just like with cancer or any other life changing illness you have to have the attitude of a warrior and a overcomer in order to deal with the changes something like this will bring to your life.

Think about the words you use. People with any illness don't need your pity or you to feel sorry for them I am sure your support would be much more appreciated.

The mind and body are so very connected no one needs to hear or be reminded just how bad their life is and actually that's only your opinion. In talking with many people they often have told me I rather be here dealing with this than dead from it.

Let's learn today how to truly be encouraging and supportive. People with HIV/AIDS cancer or anything else rarely have days when their day is totally consumed with their conditions. Life still must go on there are families to raise, jobs to go to bills to pay and so forth.

So I say to you today there are no victims except those that give up on life.

Take care my pumpkins


Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Your point? (Retweet please)

Uninvited by Alanis Morissette  
Download now or listen on posterous
Alanis Morisette - Uninvited.mp3 (4315 KB)

Today's post is not a rant just take it as some friendly education and proper rules of engagement.


First a lil background on Chanel I am 40 from the midwest and in the adult entertainment industry, for most of you that's all you need to know. As we interact more and get to know each other maybe more will be revealed but please believe I do not come to the net looking for love or friendship if it happens so be it but I am here for my entertainment not yours unless you are a member of on of my websites and even then your entertainment brings me pleasure.

No matter what site you are readin this on or what site you are following me on or we are friends on the same blanket rules apply.

1. Never feel you are so important that your opinion of someone mean anything to them .

2. When seeking to hurt someone's feelings remember you just might get yours hurt in the process

3. If all you have to offer is negativity please believe you will meet the worst in me before I block your ass.

4. Don't expect me to go out of my way to not hurt your feelings when its clear you dont give a fuck about mine

5. Don't annoy me or my friends asking others info about me that you can ask me. If I don't answer its not your damn business.

6. I am only as nice as you let me be. Please don't make me come out a bag on your ass

7. You are allowed to talk about me but tell it to someone who cares, I am not that person. Don't @reply me with your bullshit shove it up your ass where shit belongs or flush it. I am not to be toyed with.

I have lived 40 long years and quite fabulously not to brag with out knowing any of you. We can entertain or enrich each others lives but you are not allowed to bring disharmony to my spirit who needs you. If the internet is that important to you please log off go outside your house meet people and see what real life is about. If you are mature feel free to interact with Chanel but if you are not its in your best interest to block unfollow unsub and defriend me now. I have two children none of which is any of you so Imma be ok.

With all that being said welcome to my new followers, how you doing to my ones I already know.

Lets not make this any harder than it has to be.

Don't let my sweet nature fool you I am a Domme by nature and in my profession remember I kick people in the balls and enjoy it.

Take care pumpkins


Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What's your drive what motivates you

I have spoken on it time and time again in my youtube videos but ten minutes just isnt enough time for me to get my complete point across. This is why I now blog about things I feel most passionately about.

I did a video about youtube celebrity and hero worship and I will expound on it now.

Many of you know that my vision for my channel is for it to have purpose. Well actually everything in my life has to have meaning or purpose.

Above you will see my video and two other videos on this same topic that will make you think delve into them and try to figure out what drives you or motivates you.  Shout outs to The XD Experience & Walking Water.

Far too many people derive some sense of self esteem from being important to someone else. You should wake up every morning feeling a sense of importance just because the creator saw fit to let you see another day. A problem arises when we need to be seen as something in the eyes of other to validate us. You are special just because you are here. It's up to you to make something of your life. You don't have to be rich, famous, loved or well known to be of importance and happy.

Most of the fame chasers would be a lot happier and successful in life if they realize this. I always say first things first. Too many folks spend too much time trying to make everyone else realize who they are when they don't know who they are themselves. Love starts at home. So if you want to be loved by others start loving you first. You want to be appreciated by others appreciate yourself first. Like spirits are drawn to each other. If you live your life in a spirit of truth the right things will come your way in your season.

Second set of folks I wanna address are those that live vicariously thru the lives of folks that don't even know you exist. I always get saddened to watch long debates between folks who go back and forth about celebrities. In fact I get a little pissed off that folks can know all this and that about this artist or that artist but don't have a clue about anything that is truly socially revelant to the world. Entertainment is just that entertainment it is not life. There is a great big world out there and there are more things to get upset about other than someone not liking your favorite artist. Taste is relative.

Look around you today and think to yourself what are your passions, why do you have them and how much of your time and energy is worth  investing in them today.

Live your life with purpose today

That's all I have for you today pumpkins


Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pics for the video contest

Here are some pics you can use for the intro video

Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

Subscribers Appreciation Contest

I would like to thank everyone for being a part of my channel. I have learned so much from so many, become close to some and grown as a person personally.

Here is a detailed description of what the contest involves.


I have such a diverse group of subscribers I wanted everyone to feel that they could get in on something.

PROS: My definition someone very confident in their ability to push the envelope. I encorage everyone to do this but I know some people are just starting and don't feel up to that yet.

NOVICE: My definition someone that is just starting to discover their love of make up. I would prefer that the more experinced people wouldn't enter. Although you are welcome to participate in this portion it wont be held against you. I will go to the channels of all entries and see your content. If me and my judges feel you are truely a beginner you will be awarded extra points to level the playing field.


Rules are as follow

1. You must be a subscriber

2. If you are under 18 you will need your parents permission

3. You can enter any or all portions of the contest.

4. You can do more than one entry for any section but only 2 per section

5. Contest ends Friday November 6, 2009 at midnite

6. All vids must be attached to the video above on my channel

7. Have fun


Pro expectations - You don't have to recreate a runway look I just want to see a full look make up & hair. I would like to see a full presentation in your look. I would like to see a runway ready look. At the beginning or end of the video there needs to be a 1 minute long presentation with music that will complement the work that you have done. Push the envelope, think outside the box, bring your creativity to the extreme for this portion.

Novice expectations -  Real Housewives of Atlanta Alter Ego inspired look. You don't have to recreate a look from the show. I want your alter ego. Show us another side of you or something that you would never do. This portion of the contest the focus is on make up but if you want to do hair it will be to your benefit.

20 sec intro - Has been changed to 2 minute intro which I will later edit down to 20 seconds I hate long intro's to vids but 20 seconds is not enough time to judge the quality of your work. Let your creativity flow I have attached the song Beautiful People to this blog you can download it straight from here. This is the posting of where you can find pics to use and you are permitted to use video from any of the vids I have on youtube. My channel is called Mind Speak with TS Sexy Chanel and feel free to add captions in there about your feelings of what the channel is about or who you think I am as a person.


As you can see I just want you all to have fun. I am running the contest for a month to give everyone time to get their minds going and just go wild with it.

Have fun love you pumpkins


Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Follow Friday Recommendations( retweet please)

Makeda by Les Nubians  
Download now or listen on posterous
Les Nubians - Makeda.mp3 (4578 KB)

You know I don't like to do my follow recommendations with a little more personally. I like to let you know why you should be following certain people.

I still endorse prior recommendations in a prior post

If you missed them they are at the above link

Today I am adding to the list

Supportive loving people:









More Youtubers I love:




The adult entertainers:






The blogs:


Real as Rain:



Enjoy and look for future installments if you aren't here you probably have been featured already or will be if I am following you eventually you will make one of my post.

love you pumpkins


Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The sad state of affairs with our youth(retweet plz)

Please Share With Everyone

I made my earlier video about the murder of Derrion Albert  and the lack of respect for life that our children now have. I was too emotional at that time to make a posting at the time of the video but I must address this issue now.

Now I title most of my things to black people and that's mainly because I am black but this is a problem that crosses all the color lines. You can tell by the abundance of videos on youtube, myspace and facebook that we have a serious problem with respect and boundaries with our kids.

People always tell me that the parents can only do so much I try to understand this but I have a feeling that as a parent you should go above and beyond for what you created. Parents have to stop throwing their hands up and giving up ono what they made.

I understand that far too many mothers especially mothers of color are raising children alone trying to work and support them and it can get frustrating but these are things that you should think about before having unprotected sex with folks you aren't sure are going to be around. Once a life has been created it is your responsibility to do all you can to nurture and direct that childs path. Stop excusing bad behavior or saying that's just the way they are and there is nothing you can do about it.

Men you need to stop dropping seed here there and everywhere and not cultivating what is a product of you. Just like a farmer who plants a crop must go out every day. He must weed it cultivate it water it fertilize it to produce something useful for society. So should you be doing the exact same thing with your kids. The farmer doesn't just throw the seeds in the ground and hope for the best he does all he can to make sure that crop will be a success. The farmer works long hours and toils hard most times dawn to dusk and this too should be the attitude of parents.

If you truly love your children you will go above and beyond and do all you can to insure they become productive successful members of societies.

Just like the young lady disrespecting the other young lady in this video if you don't teach your kids manners at home someone might teach them some in the streets. Everyone doesn't love your kids as much as you do they come up on the wrong person you might be getting a knock on the door from the police telling you where to claim your child's body.

Who will you wanna blame then

love you pumpkins


Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Basic Human Rights should be our priority

Above is the video I did for TheXDExperience he asked me to talk about my feelings on gay marriage. Like I stated in the video I think that they should have the right to marry but to me too much money, time and energy is being put into marriage when peoples basic human rights are being neglected.

I want to live in a world of true acceptance not just tolerance. To be tolerated is not the same as being equal and sharing in the full benefits of the world.

Just like people of color being tolerated during the civil rights era would not stand for being half citizens people in the LBGT community must not accept small things. The only thing I am willing to accept is full acceptance under the law.

There is a bigger issue at stake here this is so much larger than marriage it is about people deciding that your life is not equal to or valid because of your sexuality. Getting married will not change this ignorance and attitude only education and fighting for your basic human right to be who you are can.

love you pumpkins


Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Black People wake the hell up(RETWEET PLZ)

I will be addressing these issues more later in another posting I am too caught up emotionally at this moment to speak on this topic.

Enjoy and pass the video along.

thank you pumpkins


Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday Follow Blog(Retweet Plz)

Friday (Trentemoller Remix) by Fred Everything & 20 For 7  
Download now or listen on posterous
Fred Everything & 20 For 7 - Friday (Trentemoller Remix).mp3 (9049 KB)

Yall know how I do this so this is nothing new I hate cloggin up the time line with post after post about follow this follow that. Now No one is slighted or over looked please don't catch feelings if you aint make it into this weeks blog as long as I am following you, you will eventually make it into one of my post. I am following over 400 people for a reason.

First I wanna thank everyone that continually shows me love on Follow Friday hell yall show it to me all the week long.

That's why my followers and those I follow are the absolute best folk on twitter. Chanel has the creme de la creme of it all.

You know I have two twitter names @TsSexyChanel & @TsDiabolique. TsDiabolique is my XXX profile though at times I can't tell the difference between either you know I just gotta be me. I try to keep TsSexyChanel as PG as possible but you know any way I digress.

Today's follows are as such

First My Devastating Diva's :

@dequese not an industry chick but still one of the baddest cougars & my BFF
@girlypimp Princess Tiffany is the shit and you know it
@PrincessLynne She from Chicago too we run this shit
@lailonnibxxx we don't tweet each other much but we have a mutual lust 4 each other
@sexysapphire My Bmore secret lover
@caramel dreams My right arm in this bizness I LOVE THIS BISH
@the lovely Nikki Diva delights check her out
@platinumpuzzy even though I missed her Chicago trip I will be seein her when I travel we got business to handle
@sweetcandiesXXX My canadian black tatted up rock sex vixen
@EricaCane Beware men we are working on some shit together & yall in trouble
@damaliadaresThe diva cooks in the bed room and the kitchen southern beauty
@mznikittablue umm its personal but yeah follow her

Porn Kings
@blkpoppie187 Got some shit on the way you don't wanna miss
@Ebonypornstars For showing the persons of color as top notch
@Kingjefferishere the DMV connection he handles that business
@backoutvideo You already know they got the hottest shit

Youtubers I love

It takes a real man to befriend a trannie and not care about what other folks have to say about it shout out to all my real men out there. Not those that secretly want me sexually that's another blog these are the men that are my true homies and are secure in they own sexuality and masculinity and can be friends with any one that is real.

My homie fo life
The illiest graphics guy & beat producer
My tattoo artist and piercer
My spigga if he don't get no bigga

For helpin my hair stay uber fly

The bloggers
http://twitter.com/missjia She so fuckin official

My peeps

Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


While observing several conversations on all the social networking sites, blogs and forums that I am a part of and or manage. I got an epiphany of something that I have already known for years but there are times we forget what we know and need to take a refresher course on lessons already learned.

That lesson for me was that sometimes we have to leave people where they are at. Just because I am ready to move on to a higher intellectual level, educational level, spiritual level or emotional level doesn't mean that its time for everyone else to as well.

Everyone develops at their own rate and we will only be met with resistance and frustration when we try to force that which is not ready, and ultimately either end up frustrating ourselves or stunting our own growth.

People are like cakes and they must do their time in the oven to be made ready for removal. Would you stand at an oven door yelling at a cake to hurry up and be done?

We have to accept the fact that some people aren't mentally, emotionally, educationally or spiritually ready to be where we think that they should be and we need acceptance with that. Our goal in life is not to fix them but to work on ourselves. Those we can help we help but we have to accept that sometimes what you have just aint for err body. There is a biblical scripture that goes Don't cast your peals before swine. You could be dead right but it might not be that persons season to know it.

The need to be right or understood goes back to vanity and pride and this is something that robs us of happiness.  Yall know my phrase I try to live by is you are entitled to feel anyway you want about me and my life even if it is absolutely wrong. It is not my job to make you understand me. I am valid inspite of your opinions of me.

I encourage you all today to just do you, Don't let that which is outside of you affect you any more than it should.

I live you with my sister Erica's favorite saying " It is what it is"

love you pumpkins


See and download the full gallery on posterous

Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

All you need is a belief in yourself & something bigger than small minded people

Download now or listen on posterous
Madonna - 04. You'll See.mp3 (4017 KB)

Today's post is about the spirit of determination. I was thinking about some of the negative communications I received from people throughout my life and accessing the value of those words as it relates to the life I have today. It means absolutely nothing.

I know a lot of you might say well I am successful or pretty but there is nothing special about me that the universe doesn't afford to you too. It too sheer determination and will in spite of all the things that were thrown at me and against me, to continue on a path that I knew one day would bring me peace, satisfaction and joy in my life.

I am surrounded by friends and family now but there were times when it was absolutely no one but me and my God and I had to have the faith to believe that he loved me as much as he loved the people around me being blessed.

When I think back to being in school I think its funny now that kids would allow other kids who absolutely know nothing about life tell them what they can and can't do and who and what they will be in life.

Let the words of others motivate you every negative thing you hear should be the inspiration to do you. Make the very weapons they use to try to break you down motivate you to something greater.

Not that life is a competition but there is a certain satisfaction when you can smile in contentment being and doing what you want in life and having those same people be witness to it.

There are no obstacles in life the challenges of life are what makes the goal worth achieving.


love you pumpkins


Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Know who is in your life(retweet plz)

Today I will be talking about the people in our lives and their reasons for being. You all know of my spirituality and my open mind of thinking about all the people and situations that I am in. I am never one to sit back and believe that the world is happening around me and I have no control over what is going on in my life.

I like to take a more active role in my life as much as I believe in God I believe that I can have a direct relation to what happens in my life by my way of thinking or looking at every situation and person that is in it.

I am grateful for all of the people that come by my way not just those that love and adore me. I feel that I can get something from everyone I come into contact with some people are examples of what I want to be in life even more important are those that are examples of what I don't want to be. Sometimes when we are not living up to our best we can see it better in others than we can with ourselves. They are a mirror of something that we need to be changing in ourselves, that is why the very sight of them will annoy us so much we see too much of ourselves in them.

You know I don't believe in chance encounters or meetings I believe everything is directly and divinely ordered and its up to us to figure out who and why these people are that are in our lives and the purpose or lesson we should be getting from them.

So my encouragement for you today is to evaluate the people you come into contact with today see what the reason is for their being in your life at this time get the lesson to be learned and remember there is nothing as a truly unimportant person, everyone has something to offer in life if only as an example of what not to be or do in life.

Take care pumpkin


See and download the full gallery on posterous

Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Reflections of 9/11

The tragedy of the twin towers affected so many people in our nation. All of us can vividly remember where we were at the moment the planes hit or the feelings and emotions we had as we watched in horror as the towers came tumbling down.

There are many ways we can look at any situation. While it seems unfair that so many had to die in such a horrific way. When we sit here in America and enjoy the blessings of the type of society it's easy to forget that there is suffering all over the world that we turn a blind eye too. The twin tower tragedy shone a light on the ugliness we still have in the world. Watching those planes crash in and the surreal images broadcast into our homes on every single channel brought us to a place where we can not bury our heads in the said and pretend we don't know how things globally affect us. I am often reminded about how many of the countries had knowledge of what Hitler was doing with Jews but it wasn't a major concern because it was them not us.

We all have a global responsibility to see to it that the basic human rights of all people are respected until this is a reality no one is truly free.

There is no us and them the planet is not as large as it seems and what happens will eventually affect us all. Life is a never ending circle and the ripple effect will touch everyone.


Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

OOO I gotta start loving myself (Retweet plz)


Not to sound repetitive after watching the Tyra show yesterday it brought up a lot of feelings in me. So you know what I do best is use my words. I find it really sad that so many people in the world feel like shit and they want the world to join them. I will not be party to this folly. I encourage all of you today to be independent thinkers. You should never allow anyone's opinion of you to become your reality. Be you inspite of them if  you know that you are living your life and going about your way not harming another fuck what another person has to say about you, your life or your circumstance.

On the subject of looks you know how I always feel, love begins at home. It's always funny to me how people go about their day praising the beauty of others and don't even take the time to start your day by saying I love you to the most important person and that is self.

I am often accused of being conceited stuck up or arrogant. Any one that takes the time to really get to know me knows this could not be further from the truth. I will not cease to love myself and remind myself how much I love me just because it makes those that don't like themselves feel more comfy.

Remember today that you shouldn't give anyone in this world more than you give yourself first.

Take care and enjoy the weekend pumpkins


Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Breakout by Swing Out Sister  
Download now or listen on posterous
Swing Out Sister - Breakout.mp3 (3500 KB)

There are times when you are doing something and you just have to re evaluate situations and make new plans. Lately I have had to do this myself. So in continuation of what I have already started and proven time and time again.

I am speaking of business but this can too apply to a persons personal life. No one will ever have your best interest at heart as much as you do or should. I have always had a very hands on approach to all things concerning me and I encourage you to do the same thing.

Remember don't sit around waiting to be fed go out and find your own food.

That's all for today pumpkins short sweet and to the point.


Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I came up with this short list for a few men a year ago that were struggling with transexual ladies after hearing all there stories this is what I came up with as the problem for not finding success

You have a T-Girl..so now what??

For you guys who haven’t dated or been in the company of a transwoman (ladyboy, shemale..etc.) here a a few tips. This is for actual dates where you meet for dinner or drinks or coffee and money is not exchanged for the company. This can also be used for those just befriending the transwoman.

1) DO: Use correct pronouns. SHE is not a “He” no matter what the doctors said at birth.

2) DON’T: Tell her she looks like a woman. Compliment her on how she looks (if you feel like it), but for goodness sake don’t act surprised. That tells her you expected a “man in a dress”.

3) DO: Be punctual, or communicate if you wil be running late. It’s polite and lots of TGs get stood up. Being really late with no explanation or warning tells anyone that they aren’t really important.

4) DON’T: Ask her what her “Real” name or “boy” name is. This probably brings up an unpleasant time in her life and it is often used by people to keep us in our place as “not really women” or “failed men”.

5) DON’T ask to see a picture of when she looked like a guy. Same as above but way way more. If you ever do see a picture of her from this time, understand that she is showing you herself when she was probably feeling her worst.

6) DO: Try to impress her. You don’t have to treat her like a princess, but you should use your best dating manners (ask what she likes to do, pay attention to her, smile alot).

7) DON’T: Treat her like your buddy. It’s like above, but more. Don’t leave her alone while you chat up another girl. She won’t take that as well as your guy friends would. Walk her to her door, even if you aren’t getting sex.

8) DO: Understand that she is an individual and has her own likes and dislikes. It will help your cause if you don’t assume too much about her.

9) DON’T: Ask about her genitalia or transgender history in public, or at least do it quietly. Most of us try to live unobserved in our daily lives. Broadcasting that your date has or had a penis is simply not safe for either of you.

10) DO: Have fun! Take her to a place you are both comfortable, get to know each other, laugh and makes jokes, be relaxed and be prepared to have a great night with a woman who will notice and appreciate every little kindness and polite gesture you make.

Posted via email from tssexychanel's posterous

Monday, August 31, 2009

Respect my Hustle

I have titled my vlog on youtube and my non adult blog Mind Speak for a reason. Its my common sense blog where I speak about all the things that I feel, my opinions on life myself and the world around me.

Today we gonna talk about people with home based businesses. You know I am known for being blunt and direct if nothing else. This post will be short simple and to the point.

You can not put value on the choice of career that someone has many people on the net have home based businesses from web design, to promoting, to shopping sites to porn or cam sites.

Just like many of you are sitting at work shooting the shit to make your day go faster so are many of us. People to respect the work of others, even if that is not a choice of career for yourself. There are many of you that clean the shit of others and personally that is something I just can't do but I respect the fact that you are doing what need be done for you to do for yourself.

Imma speak about adult entertainers because that's what I do and I am qualified to talk on the subject. Don't think cause you friend us on myspace, twitter or any other social networking site that you are getting an in. Guys and girls that are my real friends know what I do for a living and they respect that. While some folks do this for attention the majority of us have homes, families and lives. This is a real job to us regardless of how you may feel about it.

I realize that everyone is not interested in paying for cams, fone sex or my website. I don't treat people I meet as clients I put it on the table the men that can afford me and want me know how to find me. I don't have to come to these social sites for that. If you on a social site be social that's all I am saying.

So since it's not something that is taught at home Imma give you some easy rules to help you not get your ass cussed out and blocked.

1. Just cause someone doesn't leave home to go to work don't mean that the way they earn their money is not valid. We pay taxes and have bills to maintain.

2. Your compliments do not pay the bills

3. Don't feel you can monopolize the time of a girl sitting at home and expect her to stop doing what she is doing cause you feel like talking. Successful people are successful due to hard work and dedication.

4. In all honesty my fans are members of any of my sites all the rest of you are at best just cool people I talk to on the net when I am not busy.

5. If you gonna be a friend be a friend dont be trying to be nice to come along later asking for free pic, movies, or cam shows. Not kosher.

6. All of us in the adult industry have enough free content out there already its rude to ask for more cause you can't afford to or aren't interested in paying for more. OH WELL

7. We are not entitled to answer every im or email you send like I said previously we are multi tasking and if one of my paying members comes in even if I was having a convo with you I can't always brb you. Yes they take precedence over you and if you cant understand that OH WELL


Posted via email from tssexychanel's posterous

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Chanel the Diamond (Please Retweet)

I always speak about living your life like a diamond cause as people we should be just like diamonds multi faceted. Far too often people are one dimensional when to be beautiful and brilliant in life just like the diamond we should have many sides to us to bring out the true value of ourselves.

It's no secret that I am in the adult entertainment industry I have it in big letters on everything I do. Also its no secret that I am transexual another thing I don't feel the need to hide. I am a proud individual. I don't let any one side of my life dictate or supercede any other parts. The whole of who I am as a person is part of my complete make up. I am more than my race, I am more than my gender and I am more than my career.

I made another post I define me. I truly live the words I speak. I have never lived by the limitations of the small imaginations of others. I believe that I was born in perfection a creation of god.

I never worked under different names cause I never felt I had anything to hide so I didn't see the point in it. I know many people that do work under different names and have separate myspace accounts and the such I just never wanted to be bothered with the double life. Here a lot more lately people seem to think of me in their onesided way of thinking and not really know just who it is they are talking too.

This is part of the reason for my making two separate twitter accounts my regular TSSexyChanel account and the TSDiabolique account. When I came to twitter it was to just be able to interact with my friends and just like my youtube channel things exploded. Now I am home all day and this confuses some people I run a business from home. I have been in the adult industry full time for sometime now and only enjoy the success and luxuries that I have by respecting my business and demanding that everyone else do the same.

Too much lately my personal life and my business life have become mingled and that's not how I operate.

Now about my twitter accounts or actually any social net working sites let me explain to you why I am around.

First to the ladies no one is on any site trying to have your man or compete with you. I come to the net to do me in spite of you. I tell people all the time I don't do the competition thing. I frankly feel I am so unique I am in a category all my own. The money I spent on hair make up and surgery is for my enjoyment. It Pleases ME to like what I see when I look in the mirror even if all of the internet says I am not attractive. Find that within yourself and experience the peace of happiness with self outside of the validation of someone else, then you will understand and know just what I feel.

To the men I have lots of male friends and I am not one of those trannies that goes about trying to turn men out. I frankly dont have the time or patience I prefer that the men that want me know what they want already cause we have to deal with the reality of the situation if we fuck you gonna make me cum that is not negotiable and  sucking your dick aint gonna make me cum. If I speak to you don't think just cause I am in porn or you have an attraction for me that we gonna get down, I am just cordial I don't feel the need to be a bitch just cause I dont see you like that dont get things twisted.

I like most of you am sitting at my job when I am on the net just kicking the breeze and bullshitting to make my work day go faster.

My TSSexyChanel account will be a more real sense of my life and if you are only interested in the XXX stuff or another industry person networking TSDiabolique is the page for you.

Don't try to friend me butter me up and all that shit to try to get free convo, pics cams, movies or sex. A bitch is 40 and I didn't get this old or this rich being no fool. Just cause I don't call you on your bullshit don't think I don't know whats going on. LOL

Everyone nurture all the sides of yourself the good and bad and indifferences. Find out who you really are and develop yourself to be Uniquely YOU

Take care pumpkins


Posted via email from tssexychanel's posterous

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Now is the time to cherish those we love!!!! Wisdom 4 my babies

Today makes 8 years the passing of Aaliyah. I was one of the people too that was shocked and saddened by her unexpected death. Like I said though during my video for the death of Micheal Jackson we have to celebrate life. You should cherish everyday that you have and with those you love cause one never knows how long we will have. Life is a gift not a guarantee. How many babies come into the world to take one breath and die?

People said the same things about her death as they are now doing the death of Micheal Jackson how unfair it is yadda yadda yadda this bothers me because to say death shouldn't come to certain people when it is predestined for all of us is to question God.

When we appreciate people while we have them we can celebrate the life of them when we don't. Sure its gonna hurt but we will have those loving memories of them that will comfort us in those times. You will have an acceptance and peace with the fact that even though you don't understand it, everything is still ok.

I personally think just one day of life is a blessing especially knowing that so many never left the womb breathing.

If you got love for Chanel I need to know now. Memorializing me after I am gone will do no good for me or you. I won't hear it or know it and you will only intensify your grief.

A lot of the pain we feel at the passing of someone is the fact that now we can't do what we should have done or said while they were here. How sad we let people leave the world not knowing how we felt about them. All the tweets to me after the fact will be meaningless I will be on a new better existence where twitter is not needed.

Love someone today

take care pumpkins

Posted via email from tssexychanel's posterous

Now is the time to cherish those we love!!!! Wisdom 4 my babies

Today makes 8 years the passing of Aaliyah. I was one of the people too that was shocked and saddened by her unexpected death. Like I said though during my video for the death of Micheal Jackson we have to celebrate life. You should cherish everyday that you have and with those you love cause one never knows how long we will have. Life is a gift not a guarantee. How many babies come into the world to take one breath and die?

People said the same things about her death as they are now doing the death of Micheal Jackson how unfair it is yadda yadda yadda this bothers me because to say death shouldn't come to certain people when it is predestined for all of us is to question God.

When we appreciate people while we have them we can celebrate the life of them when we don't. Sure its gonna hurt but we will have those loving memories of them that will comfort us in those times. You will have an acceptance and peace with the fact that even though you don't understand it, everything is still ok.

I personally think just one day of life is a blessing especially knowing that so many never left the womb breathing.

If you got love for Chanel I need to know now. Memorializing me after I am gone will do no good for me or you. I won't hear it or know it and you will only intensify your grief.

A lot of the pain we feel at the passing of someone is the fact that now we can't do what we should have done or said while they were here. How sad we let people leave the world not knowing how we felt about them. All the tweets to me after the fact will be meaningless I will be on a new better existence where twitter is not needed.

Love someone today

take care pumpkins


Posted via email from tssexychanel's posterous

Monday, August 24, 2009

I define ME( required reading for my babies & friends)

Click here to download:
face.zip (3729 KB)

Today I will be talking about hate. People throw that word around a lot, especially on the internet. I am someone that recognizes people not only for what they do but the real driving force behind the things that they do.

I am someone that is always unbothered when folks try to bring me down, especially when they are not someone that I even know. I recognize the feelings that my confidence and ability to love myself inspite of brings up in people. Far too many people have low self esteem and feel shitty about their lives and it pisses them off to see other people have what they want in life.

When people call me ugly its not my beauty they are hating on cause a lot of times these same people are rather attractive its the self love that they don't feel for themselves that they wish they had. They get pissed cause they don't necessarily wanna look like you look but they are jealous of that peace that we have with ourselves.

Just like when you are doing something with your life and you are going places there will always be nay sayers that sit back and grumble trying to tell you that you think you all that or you think you better than someone else. Don't let them put those judgements on you or your life. Don't accept it into your spirit. I think I am the shit and not because I am better than anyone else I am the shit all on my own because I was born with the unlimited power of the universe inside of me and at my disposal.

I am not resposible for the self esteem of anyone other than myself. Katt Williams said it best its called self esteem for a reason. I will not be less than I know I can be to make someone else feel comfortable about themselves. If you feel it the problem is not me its you and you must do what you need to do to rectify your situation, cause all I do I do for me not to impress, belittle or seek the aproval of anyone else.

So todays encouragement for my pumpkins, my children, my friends and supporters is to grasp and harness the power that is available to us all don't worry about the mummurings of others let them talk. When you are going places in life there is always gonna be more people talking bout you than there are supporting you. You have to move on be you and do you inspite of them. Words only have the power you give to them let them say what they want it doesn't make it true until you validate their stupidity with acknowledgement. Pay them no mind.

Be uniquely you

Image is nothing a real life is everything.

Posted via email from tssexychanel's posterous

I define ME( required reading for my babies & friends)

Click here to download:
face.zip (3729 KB)

Today I will be talking about hate. People throw that word around a lot, especially on the internet. I am someone that recognizes people not only for what they do but the real driving force behind the things that they do.

I am someone that is always unbothered when folks try to bring me down, especially when they are not someone that I even know. I recognize the feelings that my confidence and ability to love myself inspite of brings up in people. Far too many people have low self esteem and feel shitty about their lives and it pisses them off to see other people have what they want in life.

When people call me ugly its not my beauty they are hating on cause a lot of times these same people are rather attractive its the self love that they don't feel for themselves that they wish they had. They get pissed cause they don't necessarily wanna look like you look but they are jealous of that peace that we have with ourselves.

Just like when you are doing something with your life and you are going places there will always be nay sayers that sit back and grumble trying to tell you that you think you all that or you think you better than someone else. Don't let them put those judgements on you or your life. Don't accept it into your spirit. I think I am the shit and not because I am better than anyone else I am the shit all on my own because I was born with the unlimited power of the universe inside of me and at my disposal.

I am not resposible for the self esteem of anyone other than myself. Katt Williams said it best its called self esteem for a reason. I will not be less than I know I can be to make someone else feel comfortable about themselves. If you feel it the problem is not me its you and you must do what you need to do to rectify your situation, cause all I do I do for me not to impress, belittle or seek the aproval of anyone else.

So todays encouragement for my pumpkins, my children, my friends and supporters is to grasp and harness the power that is available to us all don't worry about the mummurings of others let them talk. When you are going places in life there is always gonna be more people talking bout you than there are supporting you. You have to move on be you and do you inspite of them. Words only have the power you give to them let them say what they want it doesn't make it true until you validate their stupidity with acknowledgement. Pay them no mind.

Be uniquely you

Image is nothing a real life is everything.

Posted via email from tssexychanel's posterous

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Testing 1-2-3

Trying to make things better

Posted via email from tssexychanel's posterous

I've got a big ego

Now that I have finally figured out the easier simple to blog I will be updating a lot more often. I get so many emails on all the different social sites that its impossible to answer them all. Also with my youtube channel, twitter, myspace and facebook, I have so many subscribers and friends that its near impossible to know everyone. I figured thru a blog I can be more interactive to the people that have taken interest in Chanel and the things that I have to say.

I recently have been getting emails late of course because I rarely find the time to check all the mail on the many places that you can find me on the net. I seem to be online all the time because for the most part I am but that's usually maintaining my business, I have the luxury of working from home. That business is only successful when I do what I must do and treat it as a "real job"

When I started my youtube channel it was for my make up diva's I loved interacting with people that shared one of my favorite hobbies. I then did a series on self esteem and the subscribers came in droves. My popularity outside of the realm of adult entertainment exploded on the net when people started to get a sense of who I was outside of the work.

I got some emails lately that had me kinda bummed out there used to be a time when I knew all my subscribers and people on social sites but its just more than I can keep up with at this time. Everyone still is as important to me as when my channel was smaller. I had to take my own advice that I can't be all things to all people I wish I could and if I give too much of myself with out taking care of me first there will come a time when I will be no good to myself or others.

I am not one of the youtubers coming to youtube for my shot at fame or being noticed I was very well known on the internet before youtube even existed. When I started vlogging outside of the make up tutorials I truly wanted to make a difference and that is still my stance. I am not so bored that I have nothing else to do but make videos. There is always some work I could be doing to further my business and every minute I spend on youtube takes away from that so if I am going to be missing money I want it to matter. My channel must have purpose its not about just being seen. That is why most times I am championing a cause or giving light to the injustices of the world. I still love my make up and hair and will be getting back to my tutorials too.

In essence this post can be summed up with two of my most quoted quotes.

Image is nothing a real life is everything!!!!

We are all diamonds multi faceted and all the parts is what makes us who we are.

I love you pumpkins


Posted via email from tssexychanel's posterous