Friday, April 15, 2011

Let me catch you up to speed

So much of my life is out in the open I am very private about my personal life. I need to have my space and my me time in order to remain sane and be able to do what I do here on the net for you all.

I dont mind letting people into aspects of my life but it has always been important for me to maintain some personal space.

Aside from being your favored Goddess of Fetish you know I am also a person who tries to open minds and breed intelligence.

Well this past week alot of the advice that I have given to so many of you I had to apply it to my own personal life. My house was broken into and they got basically all my electronics. Two laptops, two webcams , and not the cheap ones and 3 digital cameras. Along with two Blackberries an IPOD and one of my televisions.

Everyone who truly knows me knows that I run a full business from home. I know I make it look fun, easy and exciting but I take my job very seriously. I appreciate all my supporters and since the beginning I have insisted on giving my absolute best to them.

I am working on getting everything replaced but in the mean time some very good friends have given me loan of a computer and webcam. I will still be around probably even more now. LOL

Let me just vent with you all for a moment cause I have had a few days to process this all. I can't tell you how it feels to come home to something like this, I felt violated and raped. I am used to having things in life it wasn't so much the material things that were taken but the fact that someone was in my home. My place of residence has always been a sanctuary for me I strive to have all the creature comforts just so that it can be my oasis in this crazy world. Second I was worried about work and what I was gone do cause as I said this is not a hobby for me its a career. Then after going thru a range of emotions from hurt, fear, anger, then self pity I started reading thru my old tweets and watching some of my own youtube vids and I came to a place of acceptance.

I don't know why but it happened and oh well. Tragedy occurs daily and people find the strength to preserver. I am an always have been a survivor and things way worse than this have happened to me. So where am I today I am sitting here in a spirit of gratitude because one I was not home and not harmed , two I still possess the mind, will , determination, intelligence and drive that got me all the things that were stolen so I can have them all again and three I have some wonderful friends that have gone above and beyond to see to it that I was able to get back to work and even those that didn't have anything to contribute just kept me in their prayers.

Last and most important you know I live by faith everything I do and all my successes are not just by my own doing there is a greater force and a bigger creator who sees to my every need.

I am not one to beg you know its not becoming of a Goddess but if you are able and so inclined in your spirit there are many ways in which you can help.

  • Keep me in your prayers or message me from time to time with your positive energy
  • Join my website
  • Purchase somethings off my wishlist
  • Come see a cam show
  • Call me for fone sex
  • Purchase some clips or pics
  • Send gift cards
  • Make cash tributes
This post was to fill you in on just what is going on with me at the moment it is by no means to come off as a hard luck story. What I want you to get most from reading this is to learn to be an over comer. I built an empire single handed by myself. I will do a video about my beginnings soon its a great story. I say all that to say this help me if the spirit moves you but my faith hope and trust is put in something greater than man and even greater than myself. I have exactly what I need to get what I want and that is belief in the fact that I am heir to everything that the universe has to offer all I need to do is do what I must do and be where I need to be to continue to be blessed

Thanks for listening hope someone can be blessed in the process

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