Two slogans resonated throughout Obama's campaign. That was, Yes We Can and Time for Change. With the successful election of Obama now we have to figure out where we play in all this. Voting for Obama was only the first step. Let's not be disillisioned into thinking that this one man will be our Messiah. As American's far too many times we put our people on pedestals only to kick that same pedestal from under them. Obama is a man, a human prone to all the things that plague us all. There is an overwhelming gravity placed on the shoulders of this man and its up to us all to continue in our support.
The change of office is never immediate or drastic. Change is a process other wise it would be called a miracle. Obama is coming into a system that has been patched for far too long instead of being fixed. We have put a band aid on many of the cancers that plague our nation instead of finding a cure. In my humble opinion its going to take two terms for the dream to be truely realized. Let's not sit on our backsides and wait to reap the benifits of our one vote. Any time in our history when ground breaking things took place it took the work of the entire nation it starts from the head and trickles down to every man. We must roll up our sleeves and work with our new government and trust that our choice was the best choice.
Lets not sit back 3 months, 6 months a year into this mans term and start to loose faith and start picking apart him and the administration he chooses to help him and us in the process of progress. Some things will be immediate but for the most part you will see subtle strides forward. All that matters is that we are moving forward. The Presidency is like anything else there are steps to reach a plateau and if those steps dont exist they must be built.
To the second part Yes We Can the most operative word of this was WE. We is used a lot in our government and what our political history. We the people, We hold these truths and so forth. Our President -elect is not in this alone the success of his term will depend of us. We the people and how we back him.
Let's stop treating our politicians as celebrities or Demi God's. These are men born of women completely human and the only thing special about any of them, including Obama, is how they think and what they intend to do.
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