I am a firm believer that we are all created in beauty and in love and that something greater than us designed us all to be just as we are. We are constant works in progress and your life should change from one moment to moment, day to day, year to year. As your body matures and you age its not just a physical process but the true person you are grows as well, or it should.
In my mentoring of different individuals and talking with different friends I have found many people struggle with the identification of self. As people we are taught and told who and what we should be to be accepted and loved. This teaching is flawed in the fact that we are all created as individual beings and even the most similiar people have their own identies. Not even identical twins share the exact same details of who they are as people.
I believe its lifes goal and mission to find out your own reason for being. That is who you truely are as a person. Not how you look, what you have or who loves and accepts you. Any successes you have in life will only be icing on the cake once you find life's purpose for you.
Oh what a joy to wake up every day knowing why the heavens decided to allow you to see one more day. The things and people that we think will make our lives better and enrich us more are only temporary fixes for the deep longing with in to know self and why am I here.
Things will rot, can be stolen or unattainable. People will fail you, turn on you and hurt you. To know one's self is something that you can own and truely have forever. The constant search for happiness and acceptance and things to make us feel good about ourselves are giving to us at birth. Each person is designed in love and perfection by a creator that loves us unconditionally.
No matter how far off track your life is to you or what you are doing you can stop, access and make corrections as long as you are breathing. Mistakes and failures are lifes lessons and the only thing that you need be bound up about is if you don't get what the creator is trying to teach you.
You can not know success with out failure, you can not know love with out heartbreak. We are our own worst enemies. When trying to live up to standards you have to ask yourself is this something that I feel I should be doing or something I feel I should be doing to be pleasing in the eyes of others.
This week I encourage all to access yourself where you are at the moment do a real self evaluation strip down butt naked honest with yourself and that which made you. Celebrate what you have come from and make goals to where you really want to be. Don't be worried about the prying eyes of others or their judgement, for we all should be too busy working on ourselves to be concerned with what you need be doing.
Remember this its easier for me as an individual to point out all that is flawed in you and your life and what you should be doing than to sit down and do the necessary work it takes to get my life in order.
I leave you in love
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