Humans behave Humanely
In this piece I will give a little background into the meaning of hate and the history of hate. First Webster's definition of HATE
Main Entry: 1hate
Pronunciation: \'hat\
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hete; akin to Old High German haz hate, Greek kedos care
Date: before 12th century
1 a: intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury b: extreme dislike or antipathy : loathing <had a great hate of hard work>
2: an object of hatred <a generation whose finest hate had been big business — F. L. Paxson>
Second their definition of HATE CRIME
Main Entry: hate crime
Function: noun
Date: 1984
: any of various crimes (as assault or defacement of property) when motivated by hostility to the victim as a member of a group (as one based on color, creed, gender, or sexual orientation)
What struck me most about the definition of hate is hostility usually deriving from fear, anger or sense of injury, thus in essence saying hate is and emotion or feeling.
Therefore making a hate crime the action upon that emotion. I titled this piece Humans Behave Humanely for this specific reason. As enlightened thinking beings not given to animalistic behavior or primal urges we as people should be able to control they actions that our emotions may cause.
I will touch on a few bases today first to the LBGT that have experienced hate crimes. Take back the power that your abuser has stolen. You don't have to retaliate violently. Hate Crimes in most states are on the records. Report all incidents of violence. If you go to the links section here you will find some very helpful information. No one has to physically hit you to be investigated this goes up to and includes phone calls, name calling, destruction of property and physical or sexual abuse. Document with the local police and also with the HRC or any other local LBGT agency. Links can be found here on the site.
Next are the LBGT that live an open life and have no discrimination concerns why does it matter to you. It matters to you because when one suffers we all suffer. You will never experience true freedom until all like you share in the same peace that you do. It's your moral obligation and duty to care. You are only living the life you live cause of those before you that have paved the way and/or a good support system around you.
Next to the heterosexual people that think that this issue means nothing to you. Again I say humans behave humanely. You don't have to be a member of a community to find compassion for the afflicted. It was the same its them not me attitude that allowed the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem Witch Trials, Slavery in America, the Holocaust, the Killing Fields in Cambodia and many other atrocoties that are currently going on around the world. As a responsible member of the human race its your duty to stand up against injustice.
And finally the Religious Sect I have a history with Christianity and its the only one I can speak to with complete knowledge. I am in no way picking on Christians of any denomination but we as Christians all no matter what use the same Bible which I have studied intensively. I was going to go to Seminar and actually did have a few classes in theology here in Chicago at Moody Bible institute so I will not just be talking to make myself right I will give you fact.
So in essence to sum it all up to everyone addressed as a Human you have the duty to do the Humane thing and whether it personally affects you or not rights of all people are just that the rights of all people.
A spirit of apathy will ruin a society. If you call yourself remotely educated or a human being you can not live a life of apathy.
That definition being:
Apathy (also called impassivity or perfunctoriness) is a state of indifference, where an individual has an absence of interest or concern to certain aspects of emotional, social, or physical life.
The loss of apathy makes you a animalistic, you are as guilty as the one that throws the punch and you too will be judged by this.
I would like to state that all opinions and articles by me are of my sole discretion and in no way reflect the attitudes or feelings of the site as a whole or any other people associated with it. When quoting other resources that information will be in a footnote other than that you can assume that all the words you read are solely mine and how I see and percieve the world around me.
I leave you in love
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