Monday, August 31, 2009
Respect my Hustle
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Chanel the Diamond (Please Retweet)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Now is the time to cherish those we love!!!! Wisdom 4 my babies
Now is the time to cherish those we love!!!! Wisdom 4 my babies
Monday, August 24, 2009
I define ME( required reading for my babies & friends)
I define ME( required reading for my babies & friends)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
I've got a big ego
I've got a big ego
Friday, August 21, 2009
Follow Friday Please Retweet
I follow some of the most amazin people on twitter and in an effort to not clog up time lines with all the people that I think are amazing, funny, talented or inspirational I am always looking for an easier kinda more effective way to show love to these people. Now I think I will be doing this weekly dont quote me yet LOL. It will be impossible to get everyone in todays post so I will do a few every week so if you aren't in todays list please dont be insulted the fact that I follow you means you obviously are someone I feel is worth paying attention too. You will be in a future post.
A few of my good friends have all come up with different ways of making it work. So here goes.
Wadecreate an artist and producer of one of my favorite news programs WGN News here in Chicago. She gave me the idea to blog a follow friday list and she is such an inspiration.
The adult entertainment friends are as follow:
SaReneeLee funny sexy huge boobs nuff said LOL
Princess Tiffany my boo stank make them fools break the bank love hurrr
SweetCandiesXXX funky sexy rocker chick and my nite time company
TheFamous Fury my bff in real life we have worked together for some years now & she is devastation on the ass shaking
Sexy Sapphire a new friend who also go by Bmorejewel
Princess Lynne a home town spoiled brat whom I adore
Blkpoppie_187 DMV area producer with lots of hot new sites bout to take the East by storm
Make up Diva this week is JesMakeup
My featured children are
Dyvon , Duane, Joel , Pixie , Twin Vision, Xmarksthespot, ShawnQT, Ty
My best friends Gutta, Davie, Rico, CjKaiTv , Wicked Bitch, The PBG, Veesha, Jervae & Erycahkane
My I can't live without a tweeps
Dequese My ride or die I love her more than cheesecake and thats sayin a lot
Sinnamon shoes Haute couture and boobs
Diva's Mistress yeah bitches she back can't keep a G down *** side eye***
Miss Jia even though me and that chick gone fight
Kingdingaling and not for the reasons that his name might lead you to believe he da realest out hurr.
Again if you didnt make todays follow friday you will be in a future posting if you continue to entertain me tee hee hee
Check out all these folks and thanks for all the recommendations
love you pumpkins
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Love Starts At Home
In our fight to be accepted and respected in the world we need to start doing our parts as well. Far too many of the LBGT community takes serious offense when we are discrimated against in the world, when many of us do this to our own kind.
It is time to end the LBGT hate and discrimination first only with unity will we even be accepted as a valid people. This is a struggle that can not be won by a handful of people but as a community.
How can we possibly enact any change when many of our attitudes toward each other are so nasty. Gay hating gays, trannies hating trannie, trannies hating lesbians and trannies hating gays. This is a bad case of pots calling kettles black.
When so many people are being killed and beaten for who they are is it really so important who is prettier, who has the most designer labels, who slept with whom, who has the biggest body parts? The same people who will find issue with someone discriminating against them for their sexuality will in turn go to a club or so other place and bash another member of thier same community. Who are you to decide who is fit to be. We were are created in love by a greater being and the very fact of our births makes us valid humans. No one can sit here on this planet and decide who deserves to be.
So in our fight to get our acceptance and respect in the world remember that fight starts at home. First with you changing your attitude, then change your community and finally change your world. It's quite hypocritical to fight for the rights of LBGT communities if you spend the majority of your day tearing down your brothers and sisters.
There are many people in the world that I care not to be around but I can't decide that they don't have a right to exist. One scholar said those who constantly find fault in others suffer greatly from low self esteem. It's easy to point out the fault in others then you won't have to deal with the shit in your own life.
Everthing you want to change in the world you need to do a self assessment first and make sure you are living up to those very same standards. Love self first and it will be easier to love others. If we wish to be seen as more than a bunch of crazed fanatics forcing our lifestyle upon people we need to start acting like people.
Stop feeding fear with hate. Hate begets hate. Educate let them see that you too are a person. Most people's education of our community is from television, movies, talk shows and other forms of media that don't portray us in the best light. You fight ignorance with intellegence.
This week I just want to encourage you to not be a Pot calling a Kettle black. How can you want change when you yourself haven't changed.
Acceptance and Tolerance begins at home until you can love those like you, you will never get the world to accept and tolerate you.
I leave you in love,
Chanel Winn
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Humans behave Humanely
Humans behave Humanely
In this piece I will give a little background into the meaning of hate and the history of hate. First Webster's definition of HATE
Main Entry: 1hate
Pronunciation: \'hat\
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hete; akin to Old High German haz hate, Greek kedos care
Date: before 12th century
1 a: intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury b: extreme dislike or antipathy : loathing <had a great hate of hard work>
2: an object of hatred <a generation whose finest hate had been big business — F. L. Paxson>
Second their definition of HATE CRIME
Main Entry: hate crime
Function: noun
Date: 1984
: any of various crimes (as assault or defacement of property) when motivated by hostility to the victim as a member of a group (as one based on color, creed, gender, or sexual orientation)
What struck me most about the definition of hate is hostility usually deriving from fear, anger or sense of injury, thus in essence saying hate is and emotion or feeling.
Therefore making a hate crime the action upon that emotion. I titled this piece Humans Behave Humanely for this specific reason. As enlightened thinking beings not given to animalistic behavior or primal urges we as people should be able to control they actions that our emotions may cause.
I will touch on a few bases today first to the LBGT that have experienced hate crimes. Take back the power that your abuser has stolen. You don't have to retaliate violently. Hate Crimes in most states are on the records. Report all incidents of violence. If you go to the links section here you will find some very helpful information. No one has to physically hit you to be investigated this goes up to and includes phone calls, name calling, destruction of property and physical or sexual abuse. Document with the local police and also with the HRC or any other local LBGT agency. Links can be found here on the site.
Next are the LBGT that live an open life and have no discrimination concerns why does it matter to you. It matters to you because when one suffers we all suffer. You will never experience true freedom until all like you share in the same peace that you do. It's your moral obligation and duty to care. You are only living the life you live cause of those before you that have paved the way and/or a good support system around you.
Next to the heterosexual people that think that this issue means nothing to you. Again I say humans behave humanely. You don't have to be a member of a community to find compassion for the afflicted. It was the same its them not me attitude that allowed the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem Witch Trials, Slavery in America, the Holocaust, the Killing Fields in Cambodia and many other atrocoties that are currently going on around the world. As a responsible member of the human race its your duty to stand up against injustice.
And finally the Religious Sect I have a history with Christianity and its the only one I can speak to with complete knowledge. I am in no way picking on Christians of any denomination but we as Christians all no matter what use the same Bible which I have studied intensively. I was going to go to Seminar and actually did have a few classes in theology here in Chicago at Moody Bible institute so I will not just be talking to make myself right I will give you fact.
So in essence to sum it all up to everyone addressed as a Human you have the duty to do the Humane thing and whether it personally affects you or not rights of all people are just that the rights of all people.
A spirit of apathy will ruin a society. If you call yourself remotely educated or a human being you can not live a life of apathy.
That definition being:
Apathy (also called impassivity or perfunctoriness) is a state of indifference, where an individual has an absence of interest or concern to certain aspects of emotional, social, or physical life.
The loss of apathy makes you a animalistic, you are as guilty as the one that throws the punch and you too will be judged by this.
I would like to state that all opinions and articles by me are of my sole discretion and in no way reflect the attitudes or feelings of the site as a whole or any other people associated with it. When quoting other resources that information will be in a footnote other than that you can assume that all the words you read are solely mine and how I see and percieve the world around me.
I leave you in love
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Art of Loving Self
I am a firm believer that we are all created in beauty and in love and that something greater than us designed us all to be just as we are. We are constant works in progress and your life should change from one moment to moment, day to day, year to year. As your body matures and you age its not just a physical process but the true person you are grows as well, or it should.
In my mentoring of different individuals and talking with different friends I have found many people struggle with the identification of self. As people we are taught and told who and what we should be to be accepted and loved. This teaching is flawed in the fact that we are all created as individual beings and even the most similiar people have their own identies. Not even identical twins share the exact same details of who they are as people.
I believe its lifes goal and mission to find out your own reason for being. That is who you truely are as a person. Not how you look, what you have or who loves and accepts you. Any successes you have in life will only be icing on the cake once you find life's purpose for you.
Oh what a joy to wake up every day knowing why the heavens decided to allow you to see one more day. The things and people that we think will make our lives better and enrich us more are only temporary fixes for the deep longing with in to know self and why am I here.
Things will rot, can be stolen or unattainable. People will fail you, turn on you and hurt you. To know one's self is something that you can own and truely have forever. The constant search for happiness and acceptance and things to make us feel good about ourselves are giving to us at birth. Each person is designed in love and perfection by a creator that loves us unconditionally.
No matter how far off track your life is to you or what you are doing you can stop, access and make corrections as long as you are breathing. Mistakes and failures are lifes lessons and the only thing that you need be bound up about is if you don't get what the creator is trying to teach you.
You can not know success with out failure, you can not know love with out heartbreak. We are our own worst enemies. When trying to live up to standards you have to ask yourself is this something that I feel I should be doing or something I feel I should be doing to be pleasing in the eyes of others.
This week I encourage all to access yourself where you are at the moment do a real self evaluation strip down butt naked honest with yourself and that which made you. Celebrate what you have come from and make goals to where you really want to be. Don't be worried about the prying eyes of others or their judgement, for we all should be too busy working on ourselves to be concerned with what you need be doing.
Remember this its easier for me as an individual to point out all that is flawed in you and your life and what you should be doing than to sit down and do the necessary work it takes to get my life in order.
I leave you in love
Saturday, August 15, 2009
The Power of Words
I am a lover of words and I understand the vaue of speech. I think that the ability to voice our thoughts is a gift that we often over look or take for granted. Think aobut this there are other animals that reason but are unable to convey what is going on in their heads. I think this is something we shouldl not take for granted. Sitting up thinking about the ways in which people abuse or misuse words is what inspired my latest Youtube Collaboration Video. I am a firm believer that so a man thinketh so is he. There are many times in our lives where we let other people define who we are and this is not cool. A word in and of its self is nothing. I always use the quote watch your thoughts they become word, watch your words they become actions. Everything we do good or bad starts with a thought nothing just happens automatically even when we think that we are just doing things on instinct. I was thinking about the judgements we have of others and those that people have of us and thought about just what is the root of this.
Too many people feel that our thoughts and opinions are based in stone. But as free thinking animals and having the ability to reason and learn. We should know that when we know better we do better. We can not be so caught up in our current feelings to not be able to rationalize and debate with ourselves how true this thinking of ours is. There were many prior thoughts of past generations based on the facts available at the time that people accepted but we find out to be not true now. The only absolutes in life are math 1+1 will always be 2 but when it comes to people and human nature that is a thing of constant change as we evolve and our conciousness about the world around us and the people in it gets bigger.
Check out these other youtubers that participated in my collab project.
If you don't want to miss one of my Real Talk Blogs subscribe to Mind Speak My Common Sense Blog
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Who is Chanel?
I think that the first few post for this blog will be the many facets of who I am as a person. Do to the fact that their still seem to be so many people that are ignorant to the fact of who I am as a person outside of he net. I tell people all the time people are like diamonds multifacted there are so many different components to us that make us who we are and valuable as people. I define who I am and I don't accept the opinions of others as my reality. We all have one life to live and peoples time would be better spent making the best life for self instead of worrying about what someone they will probably never meet is doing.
So since so many people seem to be interested and my life has always been an open book I figure who better to give you the "truth" about Chanel than Chanel. One can not seriously think that seeing one video reading a small paragraph or asking someone that doesnt interact with me on a daily basis to honestly know anything about me. At best you will get an intelligent opinion but more than likely you will have no concept of who I am at all.
It's easy to try to dehumanize people we don't know. But as a highly educated girl with a Master's in Psychology I know the source of most peoples judgements. I spend most of my day analyzing peoples actions and behaviors. its kinda a game with me and something I enjoy doing. Installment one of Who is Chanel coming tomorrow.
The more you read about me you will be surprised you will really be learning more about who you are as a person.
I think I am gonna love this
I think I will be able to more keep up with my Mind Speak blog which is my common sense non adult blog on my observations and views of the world. As many that already know I am a no nonsense kinda girl that pulls no punches I speak my mind and don't like folks dancing on my toes. As Judge Judy would say you can't piss on my cupcake and tell me its frosting. If you open your mind past your insecurities and judgements you might find that I am just Nellie from the block and someone you could learn from, like hell maybe even respect one day.
Stay tuned.