Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The state of the black gay community

The recent passing of a dear friend and watching the decline of the community, has me thinking, just what is the current state of the black gay commmunity and what is our role in the world. I have been accused by many of the young gays of being a "HATER" when nothing could be further from the truth. Unlike many of my conterparts I will praise when it's deserved and chastise when its needed. Too many of our young people and older ones alike have gotten off track of just what it is that we should be striving fcr in life.

One's sexuality shouldn't define their whole being. If your whole existence is wrapped up in who you want to sleep with then your life is a sham and a fraud. Sexuality in all honesty is only important when having sex. The gay movement much like the civil rights movement of the earlier eras, was a struggle about being accepted and respected as part of the America that we are entitled too being born here. Too much of what we focus on now is imposing our will and our lives on others in turn doing to others what they have done to us for years.

Should we blend in and go back into our closets to be more accepted by all means NO. What I am however is the best way to show how our life is not so strange and different is to stop going out of our way to be different.

Many times people who have never come into contact with transexuals are really shocked just by sitting with me casually or seeing me go about my normal day outside of the porn work and seeing just how similar our lives really are. Outside of sex and my body there is not anything different from me and any other human on this planet. My limitations and my successes are determined by me and I refuse to be a victim of the poor me syndrome.

I am not a flawed being and I am just as good and capable as anyone else in the world if I apply myself.