Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Who the fuck is Goddess Glory? Well I will tell you GOT DAMMMIT!!!

I had the pleaure of meeting a fascinating young woman. She is Goddess Glory. There are really no words for her. She cant not be defined by mere letters and phrases. I first came acoss her You tube page and her videos then her blog. I was blown away. I then talked with her and it has been a true joy knowing such and inciteful woman. She actually is the reason you are now reading this blog she is the inspiration for me blogging now. Kick off your shoes and sit back and enjoy this treasure.
Ladies and gentlemen I give you Goddess Glory.

tssexychanel: hey sis

tssexychanel: i was mad busy all day

tssexychanel: how you doing

gloriousmandestroyer: no problem

gloriousmandestroyer: I was too

tssexychanel: what you up too

gloriousmandestroyer: reading

tssexychanel: about?

tssexychanel: im all nosey

tssexychanel: lol

tssexychanel: let me tell you what i am doing

gloriousmandestroyer: doing more research on matriarchy

tssexychanel: so are you a professional domme how do you consider your self

gloriousmandestroyer: an artist

gloriousmandestroyer: an activist

gloriousmandestroyer: a visionary

gloriousmandestroyer: a freak

gloriousmandestroyer: I got out of calling myself a Domme

tssexychanel: ok

gloriousmandestroyer: I still use the word Dominatrix sometimes

gloriousmandestroyer: my cat keeps on licking me

gloriousmandestroyer: and I hate it

tssexychanel: lol

gloriousmandestroyer: her ruff ass tongue

tssexychanel: what type of man is appealing to a superior black woman like yourself

gloriousmandestroyer: personally?

gloriousmandestroyer: or domme wise

tssexychanel: well you arent really a pro to me

tssexychanel: but answer both

gloriousmandestroyer: I gotta get this cat off me, lol

gloriousmandestroyer: personally

gloriousmandestroyer: I like a man who isn't afraid to be himself

gloriousmandestroyer: I don't like a fake ass man

gloriousmandestroyer: putting on an ego for me

gloriousmandestroyer: I like guys who aren't afraid to think differently

gloriousmandestroyer: I like strong men

gloriousmandestroyer: not so much in the muscles

gloriousmandestroyer: but in the mind

gloriousmandestroyer: I like a man who can cut wood

gloriousmandestroyer: and build a house

gloriousmandestroyer: protect me in the woods

gloriousmandestroyer: knows shit about nature

gloriousmandestroyer: a MAN

gloriousmandestroyer: but as a slave

gloriousmandestroyer: I like a man who simply wants to give it all to me

gloriousmandestroyer: a perfect slut

tssexychanel: girl you are the female me

gloriousmandestroyer: hehehehehe

tssexychanel: ok i have seen your work on you tube

tssexychanel: what is the inspiration for your blogs

tssexychanel: are you a racist

gloriousmandestroyer: ok

gloriousmandestroyer: My inspiration is from living my life

tssexychanel: and i know you arent but this is for my readers

gloriousmandestroyer: As a Black Woman from the Ghetto

gloriousmandestroyer: the way I see life

gloriousmandestroyer: I'm supposed to be in "my place"

gloriousmandestroyer: think how “they” want me to think

gloriousmandestroyer: and that's not me

gloriousmandestroyer: I will never do that

gloriousmandestroyer: so my inspiration comes from me needing to express myself

gloriousmandestroyer: and tell the world who I am

gloriousmandestroyer: according to me

gloriousmandestroyer: no I'm not racist

gloriousmandestroyer: I'm the furthest thing from a racist

gloriousmandestroyer: but I do have a problem with white privilege

gloriousmandestroyer: white men who believe they own this planet

gloriousmandestroyer: and everything in it

gloriousmandestroyer: it's a real thing

gloriousmandestroyer: white man do it, often

gloriousmandestroyer: and don't even know they are doing it

gloriousmandestroyer: unconscious racism or racially insensitive

gloriousmandestroyer: I know the deal with a lot of white men

gloriousmandestroyer: and how they view Black Women

gloriousmandestroyer: and money

gloriousmandestroyer: property

gloriousmandestroyer: and pussy

gloriousmandestroyer: they think of us a machine you put quarters in

gloriousmandestroyer: and she'll clap her ass for you

gloriousmandestroyer: I ain't that

gloriousmandestroyer: so I feel the need to check white men in this industry, the typical white male consumer

gloriousmandestroyer: let them know who I am

gloriousmandestroyer: and they ain't in my mind

gloriousmandestroyer: my world

gloriousmandestroyer: and how I am going to live my life

gloriousmandestroyer: I ain’t

gloriousmandestroyer: following a white man's rules

tssexychanel: how do you feel about our people men and woman that further give creedence to the way things are

tssexychanel: i think african americans fuel the fire alot with things they do tooo

gloriousmandestroyer: re phrase that

gloriousmandestroyer: I don't understand

gloriousmandestroyer: we do

tssexychanel: rappers calling our black women bitches

tssexychanel: our black sisters not respecting their bodies

gloriousmandestroyer: because

tssexychanel: brothers disrepecting sisteres

gloriousmandestroyer: some Black men have distorted ideas of what a "man" is

gloriousmandestroyer: because their manhood is being bashed left and right

gloriousmandestroyer: some of it maybe just nature

gloriousmandestroyer: of showing dominance or reflection of society

gloriousmandestroyer: and being hard or ruff

gloriousmandestroyer: is sometimes thought to be masculine

gloriousmandestroyer: and the same for Black Women

gloriousmandestroyer: our feminity

gloriousmandestroyer: our Womanhood and self esteem

gloriousmandestroyer: is constantly bashed

gloriousmandestroyer: we are told we are nothing

gloriousmandestroyer: by not only our own men (black men)

gloriousmandestroyer: but by the rest of the world

gloriousmandestroyer: the media

gloriousmandestroyer: society

gloriousmandestroyer: so some Black Women

gloriousmandestroyer: may not know their worth

gloriousmandestroyer: so that results in disrespecting your being

tssexychanel: oh girl i wish i had done this a while ago

tssexychanel: i love talking to you

gloriousmandestroyer: thank you

gloriousmandestroyer: I could go on

tssexychanel: well presonally i would like to

gloriousmandestroyer: wait

tssexychanel: but im not gonna wear you out for my interview

gloriousmandestroyer: let me ask you this

tssexychanel: yes

tssexychanel: i been waiting patiently for a video on you tube

gloriousmandestroyer: yeah

gloriousmandestroyer: I'm in the middle of writing a heavy blog entry

gloriousmandestroyer: and I need to finish it up

gloriousmandestroyer: before I do the rest of the youtube series

gloriousmandestroyer: cramps!

gloriousmandestroyer: owwwwww

tssexychanel: lol

tssexychanel: girl i alawys get you at that time of the month

tssexychanel: wats with me

gloriousmandestroyer: you sense it

gloriousmandestroyer: lol

gloriousmandestroyer: I didn't finish talking about what slave I liked

tssexychanel: go on

tssexychanel: im all eyes

gloriousmandestroyer: More than anything I like a true submissive

gloriousmandestroyer: submissive to the bone

gloriousmandestroyer: I don't want to trick a man into obeying me

gloriousmandestroyer: it has to be natural, something he wants

gloriousmandestroyer: let me know you want me to fuck you up

gloriousmandestroyer: I like passion

gloriousmandestroyer: I like to know and feel that you need me

gloriousmandestroyer: I want to hear it from your soul that it hurts

gloriousmandestroyer: and you want more

gloriousmandestroyer: and if you can't take no more

gloriousmandestroyer: push yourself, and take it for me

gloriousmandestroyer: just because you know I love it

gloriousmandestroyer: and I like a man to worship megloriousmandestroyer: not because he "has to" or because it "customary”

gloriousmandestroyer: but I want you to worship like you mean it

gloriousmandestroyer: because you respect and adore the Woman I am for real

gloriousmandestroyer: I want your voice to crack and hear you sound like a bitch

gloriousmandestroyer: I want to hear the passion and the pain

gloriousmandestroyer: the aching

gloriousmandestroyer: a limp

gloriousmandestroyer: boring

gloriousmandestroyer: little bitch isn't fun, or a man who sounds like he is reciting something from a “how to be a slave” handbook ain’t for megloriousmandestroyer: an obedient passionate masochist is what I like BEST

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