Thursday, October 8, 2009

The sad state of affairs with our youth(retweet plz)

Please Share With Everyone

I made my earlier video about the murder of Derrion Albert  and the lack of respect for life that our children now have. I was too emotional at that time to make a posting at the time of the video but I must address this issue now.

Now I title most of my things to black people and that's mainly because I am black but this is a problem that crosses all the color lines. You can tell by the abundance of videos on youtube, myspace and facebook that we have a serious problem with respect and boundaries with our kids.

People always tell me that the parents can only do so much I try to understand this but I have a feeling that as a parent you should go above and beyond for what you created. Parents have to stop throwing their hands up and giving up ono what they made.

I understand that far too many mothers especially mothers of color are raising children alone trying to work and support them and it can get frustrating but these are things that you should think about before having unprotected sex with folks you aren't sure are going to be around. Once a life has been created it is your responsibility to do all you can to nurture and direct that childs path. Stop excusing bad behavior or saying that's just the way they are and there is nothing you can do about it.

Men you need to stop dropping seed here there and everywhere and not cultivating what is a product of you. Just like a farmer who plants a crop must go out every day. He must weed it cultivate it water it fertilize it to produce something useful for society. So should you be doing the exact same thing with your kids. The farmer doesn't just throw the seeds in the ground and hope for the best he does all he can to make sure that crop will be a success. The farmer works long hours and toils hard most times dawn to dusk and this too should be the attitude of parents.

If you truly love your children you will go above and beyond and do all you can to insure they become productive successful members of societies.

Just like the young lady disrespecting the other young lady in this video if you don't teach your kids manners at home someone might teach them some in the streets. Everyone doesn't love your kids as much as you do they come up on the wrong person you might be getting a knock on the door from the police telling you where to claim your child's body.

Who will you wanna blame then

love you pumpkins


Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

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