Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The love of Self

I feel that the Love of Oneself is the most important love one can have. Self love and caring should be a daily responsibility of each and every person. We should not have to look outside ourselves to find the acceptance and love that we need. What we get from others should enhance how we already feel about our ownselves. Self love is not to be confused with conceit or being full of oneself but celebrating who you are as a person. Its a sense of being at peace with yourself where you are and with what you have been given. Each and every one of us was designed by a greater being that sees us as perfect and good and its up to us to find that same unconditional love for self. Take some time out today to appreciate yourself, love yourself, validate and praise yourself.

You can read my weekly column for Stopping the Hate on The Art of Love


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