Friday, October 23, 2009

Your point? (Retweet please)

Uninvited by Alanis Morissette  
Download now or listen on posterous
Alanis Morisette - Uninvited.mp3 (4315 KB)

Today's post is not a rant just take it as some friendly education and proper rules of engagement.


First a lil background on Chanel I am 40 from the midwest and in the adult entertainment industry, for most of you that's all you need to know. As we interact more and get to know each other maybe more will be revealed but please believe I do not come to the net looking for love or friendship if it happens so be it but I am here for my entertainment not yours unless you are a member of on of my websites and even then your entertainment brings me pleasure.

No matter what site you are readin this on or what site you are following me on or we are friends on the same blanket rules apply.

1. Never feel you are so important that your opinion of someone mean anything to them .

2. When seeking to hurt someone's feelings remember you just might get yours hurt in the process

3. If all you have to offer is negativity please believe you will meet the worst in me before I block your ass.

4. Don't expect me to go out of my way to not hurt your feelings when its clear you dont give a fuck about mine

5. Don't annoy me or my friends asking others info about me that you can ask me. If I don't answer its not your damn business.

6. I am only as nice as you let me be. Please don't make me come out a bag on your ass

7. You are allowed to talk about me but tell it to someone who cares, I am not that person. Don't @reply me with your bullshit shove it up your ass where shit belongs or flush it. I am not to be toyed with.

I have lived 40 long years and quite fabulously not to brag with out knowing any of you. We can entertain or enrich each others lives but you are not allowed to bring disharmony to my spirit who needs you. If the internet is that important to you please log off go outside your house meet people and see what real life is about. If you are mature feel free to interact with Chanel but if you are not its in your best interest to block unfollow unsub and defriend me now. I have two children none of which is any of you so Imma be ok.

With all that being said welcome to my new followers, how you doing to my ones I already know.

Lets not make this any harder than it has to be.

Don't let my sweet nature fool you I am a Domme by nature and in my profession remember I kick people in the balls and enjoy it.

Take care pumpkins


Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What's your drive what motivates you

I have spoken on it time and time again in my youtube videos but ten minutes just isnt enough time for me to get my complete point across. This is why I now blog about things I feel most passionately about.

I did a video about youtube celebrity and hero worship and I will expound on it now.

Many of you know that my vision for my channel is for it to have purpose. Well actually everything in my life has to have meaning or purpose.

Above you will see my video and two other videos on this same topic that will make you think delve into them and try to figure out what drives you or motivates you.  Shout outs to The XD Experience & Walking Water.

Far too many people derive some sense of self esteem from being important to someone else. You should wake up every morning feeling a sense of importance just because the creator saw fit to let you see another day. A problem arises when we need to be seen as something in the eyes of other to validate us. You are special just because you are here. It's up to you to make something of your life. You don't have to be rich, famous, loved or well known to be of importance and happy.

Most of the fame chasers would be a lot happier and successful in life if they realize this. I always say first things first. Too many folks spend too much time trying to make everyone else realize who they are when they don't know who they are themselves. Love starts at home. So if you want to be loved by others start loving you first. You want to be appreciated by others appreciate yourself first. Like spirits are drawn to each other. If you live your life in a spirit of truth the right things will come your way in your season.

Second set of folks I wanna address are those that live vicariously thru the lives of folks that don't even know you exist. I always get saddened to watch long debates between folks who go back and forth about celebrities. In fact I get a little pissed off that folks can know all this and that about this artist or that artist but don't have a clue about anything that is truly socially revelant to the world. Entertainment is just that entertainment it is not life. There is a great big world out there and there are more things to get upset about other than someone not liking your favorite artist. Taste is relative.

Look around you today and think to yourself what are your passions, why do you have them and how much of your time and energy is worth  investing in them today.

Live your life with purpose today

That's all I have for you today pumpkins


Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pics for the video contest

Here are some pics you can use for the intro video

Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

Subscribers Appreciation Contest

I would like to thank everyone for being a part of my channel. I have learned so much from so many, become close to some and grown as a person personally.

Here is a detailed description of what the contest involves.


I have such a diverse group of subscribers I wanted everyone to feel that they could get in on something.

PROS: My definition someone very confident in their ability to push the envelope. I encorage everyone to do this but I know some people are just starting and don't feel up to that yet.

NOVICE: My definition someone that is just starting to discover their love of make up. I would prefer that the more experinced people wouldn't enter. Although you are welcome to participate in this portion it wont be held against you. I will go to the channels of all entries and see your content. If me and my judges feel you are truely a beginner you will be awarded extra points to level the playing field.


Rules are as follow

1. You must be a subscriber

2. If you are under 18 you will need your parents permission

3. You can enter any or all portions of the contest.

4. You can do more than one entry for any section but only 2 per section

5. Contest ends Friday November 6, 2009 at midnite

6. All vids must be attached to the video above on my channel

7. Have fun


Pro expectations - You don't have to recreate a runway look I just want to see a full look make up & hair. I would like to see a full presentation in your look. I would like to see a runway ready look. At the beginning or end of the video there needs to be a 1 minute long presentation with music that will complement the work that you have done. Push the envelope, think outside the box, bring your creativity to the extreme for this portion.

Novice expectations -  Real Housewives of Atlanta Alter Ego inspired look. You don't have to recreate a look from the show. I want your alter ego. Show us another side of you or something that you would never do. This portion of the contest the focus is on make up but if you want to do hair it will be to your benefit.

20 sec intro - Has been changed to 2 minute intro which I will later edit down to 20 seconds I hate long intro's to vids but 20 seconds is not enough time to judge the quality of your work. Let your creativity flow I have attached the song Beautiful People to this blog you can download it straight from here. This is the posting of where you can find pics to use and you are permitted to use video from any of the vids I have on youtube. My channel is called Mind Speak with TS Sexy Chanel and feel free to add captions in there about your feelings of what the channel is about or who you think I am as a person.


As you can see I just want you all to have fun. I am running the contest for a month to give everyone time to get their minds going and just go wild with it.

Have fun love you pumpkins


Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Follow Friday Recommendations( retweet please)

Makeda by Les Nubians  
Download now or listen on posterous
Les Nubians - Makeda.mp3 (4578 KB)

You know I don't like to do my follow recommendations with a little more personally. I like to let you know why you should be following certain people.

I still endorse prior recommendations in a prior post

If you missed them they are at the above link

Today I am adding to the list

Supportive loving people:









More Youtubers I love:




The adult entertainers:






The blogs:


Real as Rain:



Enjoy and look for future installments if you aren't here you probably have been featured already or will be if I am following you eventually you will make one of my post.

love you pumpkins


Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The sad state of affairs with our youth(retweet plz)

Please Share With Everyone

I made my earlier video about the murder of Derrion Albert  and the lack of respect for life that our children now have. I was too emotional at that time to make a posting at the time of the video but I must address this issue now.

Now I title most of my things to black people and that's mainly because I am black but this is a problem that crosses all the color lines. You can tell by the abundance of videos on youtube, myspace and facebook that we have a serious problem with respect and boundaries with our kids.

People always tell me that the parents can only do so much I try to understand this but I have a feeling that as a parent you should go above and beyond for what you created. Parents have to stop throwing their hands up and giving up ono what they made.

I understand that far too many mothers especially mothers of color are raising children alone trying to work and support them and it can get frustrating but these are things that you should think about before having unprotected sex with folks you aren't sure are going to be around. Once a life has been created it is your responsibility to do all you can to nurture and direct that childs path. Stop excusing bad behavior or saying that's just the way they are and there is nothing you can do about it.

Men you need to stop dropping seed here there and everywhere and not cultivating what is a product of you. Just like a farmer who plants a crop must go out every day. He must weed it cultivate it water it fertilize it to produce something useful for society. So should you be doing the exact same thing with your kids. The farmer doesn't just throw the seeds in the ground and hope for the best he does all he can to make sure that crop will be a success. The farmer works long hours and toils hard most times dawn to dusk and this too should be the attitude of parents.

If you truly love your children you will go above and beyond and do all you can to insure they become productive successful members of societies.

Just like the young lady disrespecting the other young lady in this video if you don't teach your kids manners at home someone might teach them some in the streets. Everyone doesn't love your kids as much as you do they come up on the wrong person you might be getting a knock on the door from the police telling you where to claim your child's body.

Who will you wanna blame then

love you pumpkins


Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Basic Human Rights should be our priority

Above is the video I did for TheXDExperience he asked me to talk about my feelings on gay marriage. Like I stated in the video I think that they should have the right to marry but to me too much money, time and energy is being put into marriage when peoples basic human rights are being neglected.

I want to live in a world of true acceptance not just tolerance. To be tolerated is not the same as being equal and sharing in the full benefits of the world.

Just like people of color being tolerated during the civil rights era would not stand for being half citizens people in the LBGT community must not accept small things. The only thing I am willing to accept is full acceptance under the law.

There is a bigger issue at stake here this is so much larger than marriage it is about people deciding that your life is not equal to or valid because of your sexuality. Getting married will not change this ignorance and attitude only education and fighting for your basic human right to be who you are can.

love you pumpkins


Posted via email from TSSexyChanel's (Observations on life & Common Sense)